10 Energy Boosting Superfoods For Women


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Women are master jugglers. They juggle multiple roles of wives, mothers, working professionals and business women. And they play these roles with effortless ease. Most of them go through their lives with a smile on their faces and look like they have unlimited energy. But, this doesn’t mean they are taking the right kind of nutrition to ensure their energy levels don’t go down, no matter what. After all we are talking about superwomen here, and they need superfood. In a fast paced world, where women need to manage their personal and professional life, they can’t afford to take chances with their nutrition.

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These superfoods will make sure women feel energized throughout their waking hours and can do anything and everything, including saving the world!

1. The Good ‘ol’ Egg: Yes, that innocuous looking egg is a superfood. Really? Yes, Really! Each egg has 6 grams of protein, but is packed with just 72 calories. It also contains valuable minerals including iron and a collection of vitamins including vitamin A, B, D and E. This makes your humble egg an exceptional superfood. It keeps your body fit and does a lot for your health as well.

The Good ‘ol’ Egg

2. Pistachios: The gifted health nut. Most nuts are healthy, but this one is really something! With its high protein and fiber content, it slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in the body. More importantly, it’s packed with healthy monounsaturated fat. Research has shown that a daily intake of pistachios may reduce the risk of diabetes and improve your levels of good cholesterol. This is also a superfood that boosts your energy.


3. Brussels Sprouts: Make Brussels sprouts a part of your meal plans starting right now. Filled to the brim with glucosinolates, which are detoxifying and anti cancerous agents all rolled into one, it is a great superfood. Make it a part of your daily salad intake or use it as an ingredient in a chicken or lamb dish. The great thing about the Brussels sprouts is that they can fit into just about any recipe you can think of.

Brussels Sprouts

4. Just ‘Beet’ It: I love the way beets look, finding their deep purple red color absolutely mesmerizing. But, there is another reason why these root veggies need to be a part of your diet. It’s one of the more accessible and affordable superfoods going around. You need beets because these are a storehouse of multivitamins. But its benefits are not restricted to vitamins alone, it also boasts of minerals and antioxidants. A beet a day will keep your health in great shape through the long term. It can ward off colds, lower blood pressure, and even reduce the risk of cancer.


5. Whole Grain Oatmeal: If you already eat oatmeal regularly, congratulations! You’ve made a smart choice, because you are eating a superfood. Rich in fiber, this whole grain reduces the absorption of cholesterol in your body and it helps you cut down on your lunch (you feel less hungry). So, if you are prone to gorging at lunch, an oatmeal breakfast can help you take lunch in moderation.

Whole Grain Oatmeal

6. Low Fat Yogurt: This is a supersnack for women. Three to five servings a week can lead to some extraordinary benefits for your body. Forget about all the research that suggests increased yogurt intake may decrease the risk of breast cancer (that still is not an absolutely proven medical fact); what is beyond any doubt is that it’s loaded with calcium that’s needed for healthy bones, something that women of every age want. I am not saying ignore the research, but for now, it’s in the realms of a conjecture. Just the calcium content alone makes it such a great superfood.

Low Fat Yogurt

7. Shrimp: Apart from its taste, it’s the ultimate diet food. It’s full of protein, and eating it regularly can even prevent heart disease. Now I’m sure you will be thinking, “but shrimp has a high cholesterol content, so how is it a superfood?” You are right, but a daily intake of shrimp is more likely to improve your levels of good cholesterol. Another reason why shrimp intake is good for you is its low calorie content and vitamin B12 and selenium levels. Various studies suggest that people who have a large intake of selenium in their diet are less susceptible to cancer.


8. Avocados: Avocado is highly regarded as an anti-aging superfood. So, women who are spending a ton on those anti-aging creams need to start eating avocados. Start off on your very own money-saver anti-aging avocado diet plan. But, that’s not the end of it. This fruit also has high oleic acid content, which helps increases fat metabolism. It also contains anti-oxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin that promote the formation of healthy cells. It’s a fruit packed to the brim with health benefits and effectively complements a vegetable based meal.


9. Spinach: There is no mention of superfoods is complete without mentioning this giant. It’s a difficult vegetable to beat when it comes to protein and vitamin A count. When it comes to vitamin K content, it’s second only to cauliflower. Its regular intake helps improve the strength of your muscles and it also regulates your blood pressure and improves the health of your eyes.


10. Milk: Milk was the world’s first superfood and continues to be highly regarded to this date. Of course, lactose intolerant women must stay away from it, but for everybody else, milk in moderation is a great source of nutrients. Milk isn’t just a source of calcium but also lowers blood pressure and also reduces the production of cholesterol. This is just a small sampling of how drinking milk will help your body in many different ways.


These 10 superfoods are definitely not the be all and end all of the available superfoods. The reason why these are in the list is because they are available easily and aren’t very expensive either. So, you are left with very little reason not to make them a part of your diet.

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