The Fine Print

The mission of is to round up the best advice, reviews, and tips from industry expert to help you stay healthy, safe, strong, happy and injury free.

At the same time, we believe that it’s perfectly okay for us to be paid for the time and effort put into this website. We have a number of costs associated with running a blog of this size — server space, tech help and more.’s revenue is generated in two ways: 1) affiliate links and 2) paid sponsorships. An affiliate link means that we earn a small commission of the sale if you click on a link from our site and choose to purchase a product at that site. So when you purchase a recommended product, etc via a link from our site we maybe earning a small commission from the manufacturer/company. We also accept paid advertising on our website’s sidebar and use affiliate links on deal posts when they are available.

However, because our integrity is much more important than making a quick buck, We always seek to have your best interests in mind first and foremost. If it doesn’t benefit you, we won’t post it — no matter how much someone is willing to pay us to do so. While we may at times receive samples from manufacturers so that we can review their products, the views and opinions expressed on this site are our own and we are never paid for these articles (and we often give these freebies to you) unless explicitly disclosed and labeled as a sponsored post.

Our Readers are our first priority. We want you to be able to trust wholeheartedly that the content you find on is not influenced by money.

If you ever have questions or concerns, please drop us an email. We can’t please everyone, but we want to live with integrity so we always welcome your input and constructive criticism.


While the info on these pages is accurate to the best of our knowledge (reader trust is of utmost importance to us), some information may become out of date over time. Companies go out of business. Links change. It happens. So we reserve the right to update information or correct errors or omissions from our content.

Our own content is in no way intended to, nor may it be construed to constitute professional medical, health, safety, legal, tax or financial advice. Always seek the advice of a qualified professional regarding medical or fitness products, program or treatments. (But you knew that.) Also read manufacturer safety instructions before using products because, duh.

We do not make any representations nor do we endorse the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, or other material, displayed here by third parties, including advertising, and outbound links.


As specified under fair use law, we use photos from the websites we feature to assist in providing information for our readers. These photos are the property of their respective website owners or publishers. Public domain or creative commons photos in use are not our property. All other content is the property of Do not copy it, use it, claim it as your own, or distribute it unless you are attributing it to us with a link and adhering to fair use laws. We know people.

To be extra clear:  We are happy to allow legitimate websites and blogs to publish a short excerpt of our content with permission and proper attribution as well as a link back to the original permalink page for more information.

Email us and we can talk about it if you have questions.

Contest Rules and Disclaimer

When we hold a giveaway, we draw a winner at random based on the entry rules specified in the contest by tallying the number of entries, then using the random integer generator at If we don’t hear back from you, we’ll give you a second warning, then 48 hours after you were first notified we’ll go onto the next person.

We are forever grateful to the generous businesses – often small ones – who donate items for giveaway. In return, we may ask you to check out their sites to answer a question to qualify you for entry. If we determine you are getting the answer from another source, like an online contest website, it’s in violation of the spirit of the contest and we reserve the right to disqualify you.

Other legal stuff we have to tell you about contests and giveaways:

You can only enter once unless the contest rules specify otherwise. If you violate the rules we’ll disqualify you and your other aliases. You must be 18+ and a legal resident of the US unless otherwise specified. Contests end midnight MT the night of the review, unless otherwise indicated, and we’ll draw a winner within the week. Void where prohibited, wherever that might be. Federal, state, and local taxes, if any, are the sole responsibility of the winner.

We’re not responsible if the item gets lost in the mail. (It could happen.) We’re not responsible if you send us the wrong address. (It does happen.) And once in a while we may have to substitute a prize of comparable value.

This policy was last updated August 18th, 2021.